Lär dig fransbranschens populäraste Designs på Look by Linns Work Shop i Lash Design.
Vi lär ut bla ”Kardashian Look” ”Eyeliner effect” ”Cat eye reverse”
teori och praktik på 1 modell.
Höstens kursdatum: 21/10 & 18/11 i Halmstad
Behörighetskrav: cert i singel & volym
Pris: 3,000kr inkl moms
Lärare: Linn Jeppsson
Boka din plats på hemsidan www.lookbylinn.se under fliken boka utbildning.
#lookbylinn #lookbylinnsverigesskönhetsskola #lashdesign #volymfransar#kardashianlook #eyelinereffect #cateye #cateyeliner #cateyereverse#volymutbildning #linnjeppsson #tel0706975976 #workshop#wwwlookbylinnse #webshop

Lär dig fransbranschens populäraste Designs på Look by Linns Work Shop i Lash Design.
Vi lär ut bla ”Kardashian Look” ”Eyeliner effect” ”Cat eye reverse”
teori och praktik på 1 modell.
Höstens kursdatum: 21/10 & 18/11 i Halmstad
Behörighetskrav: cert i singel & volym
Pris: 3,000kr inkl moms
Lärare: Linn Jeppsson
Boka din plats på hemsidan www.lookbylinn.se under fliken boka utbildning.
#lookbylinn #lookbylinnsverigesskönhetsskola #lashdesign #volymfransar #kardashianlook #eyelinereffect #cateye #cateyeliner #cateyereverse #volymutbildning #linnjeppsson #tel0706975976 #workshop #wwwlookbylinnse #webshop
My best tip to shorten your working hours eyelash Stylist: Do not talk!
I always talk with my customers when I clean the lashes, apply the pads and peels off. But when I take out the glue I explain to my clients that I always work in silence. Ask the customer to have a relaxing time for yourself. Have music on and the extractor (almost all fall asleep, as well as myself when I get the lashes). Then I work with a 100% focus on the job, nothing else! Look by Linn
Who more than I work like this ?!