Grundutbildning i Volymfransar
Behörighetskrav: cert i singelfransar
Nästa kursstart: 8-9 sept kl 09-17 i Halmstad
Lär dig hur vi bygger fransar efter kundens ögonformer, olika Lash Designs, bla Kardshian Look. Look by Linns populära volymteknik: indextekniken. Underfransar. Praktik på 2 modeller.
Lärare: Linn Jeppsson
Tel 070-6975976
Som elev hos Look by Linn har du alltid free support både under och efter din utbildning. Alltid 10% rabatt i webshoppen på alla produkter.
Info om våra utbildningar & webshop finner du på
#lookbylinn #grundutbildning #volymfransar #volymutbildning #halmstad#linnjeppsson #tel0706975976 #lookbylinnsverigesskönhetsskola
Undergraduate in Volume Lashes
Entry requirements: CC in single lashes
Next course starts: 8-9 pm Sept. 09-17 in Halmstad
Learn how we build lashes to the customer’s eye shapes, different Lash Designs, blah Kardshian Look. Look by Linn’s popular volume technology: the technology index. During the fray. Internships in 2 models.
Teacher: Linn Jeppsson
Tel 070-6975976
As a student of Look by Linn are always free support both during and after your training. Always 10% discount in the webshop of all products.
Note about our programs & web shop you will find on