Vem vinner SM i fransförlängning
Välkommen att utbilda dig till Fransstylist hos mig, Linn Jeppsson på Look by Linn i Halmstad.
Det som ligger till grunden till Look by Linn är min stora passion och perfektion för skönhet och jag älskar verkligen mitt jobb med fransar som Fransstylist och fransförlängnings utbildare.
Look by Linn – Sveriges Skönhetsskola erbjuder både grund -och avancerade utbildningar i singel -och Volymfransar, samt våra populära Lash Designs.
SM i fransförlängning 2017 är den 21-23 april i Göteborg. Är du laddad?
Jag ger dig de bästa förutsättningarna att lyckas, genom att erbjuda Pre-Competition Work Shops. Allt ihopsatt enligt SM:s tävlingsregler.
Som EM-medaljör och domare vet jag att det krävs förberedelser och mycket träning för att uppnå sina mål.
Vill du veta mer?
Kontakta mig gärna på
Tel 070-6975976
Who will win the Championship in eyelash extensions
Welcome to educate you to the Frans stylist with me, Linn Jeppsson Look by Linn in Halmstad.
What is the basis for Look by Linn is my passion and perfection of beauty, and I really love my job with fringe that adorns Stylist and lash extension educator.
Look village Linn – Swedish Beauty School offers both basic -and advanced training in single -and Volume Lashes, as well as our popular Lash Designs.
SM in eyelash extensions in 2017 is on 21-23 April in Gothenburg. Are you loaded?
I give you the best chance to succeed by offering Pre-Competition workshops. All assembled according to SM’s competition rules.
As European Championship medalist and judges I know that it requires preparation and a lot of training to achieve their goals.
Do you want to know more?
Please contact me at
Tel 070-6975976
Who will be the ”Teacher of the Year 2016”?
Fantastic Cecilia Look at the village Linn Sundsvall @ciccisbeautybox took the title in 2015
#lookbylinn # exciting #teacheroftheyear # look Bylin Sweden beauty school
Who gets Look by Linn’s ”Student of the Year 2016”?
@sofiesfransar got the title last year, before she even became certified Lash stylist ?! and then she took silver in the single lashes in SM. Wow I just say, Sofie is a true fighter in everything
#lookbylinn # studentoftheyear2015 #fransstylist #fuckcancer